About Us
We play at the Beach, We live by the Beach, We travel to the Beach, We Love the Beach, There is a little Beach in all of us!
Since 1996, our companies have been working on bettering the beach experience. With sports, social atmosphere and our clothing line, we have evolved to encompass and reflect that feeling of fun and comfort. You know…that feeling you get with your toes in the sand, the sun in your face and the wind in your hair; the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and the smells of the surfs crisp air touching all of your senses. Pulling out of your bag that favourite beach shirt towel or hoodie and wrapping your soul with a hug like an old friend you haven’t seen in a while. Remembering the laughs and love for the beach life and longing for the next trip back after you get home. Haven’t you always been home? After all; we live by the beach, we play by the beach, we travel to the beach, we love the beach and the long lazy days. There is a little beach in all of us. We The Beach.